Saturday, January 17, 2009

Baby Quilt

I have only been dabbling into making quilts in the last 2 years. My skills are no where near some of the experienced quilters as I have only been sewing together square or rectangular pieces of fabric. I was originally planning to knit one of my girlfriend's upcoming delivery a simple blanket with sheep on it. But I lost interest and time (February) so I decided to use some scrap fabric and sew a baby quilt.

I only used 2 different color fabric so I tried to give a bit more creativity by sewing a teddy bear pattern into some of the squares. They are really hard to do on a regular sewing machine so I only sewed one on each row.

I realized it is not the best picture of the bear but it is holding onto a large heart with a silly little pout on it's face. I should have used a black thread or a darker thread so the bear would stand out more. I thought the white thread would blend in any mistakes but still show the effort.

I have more left over batting and fabric so I am going to start on another quilt. For some reason I seem to have lots of pink fabric. This next project is going to be a lap blanket as it might be too big for a baby blanket but not big enough for a bed quilt. I will keep you posted on the project.

Mme. Chorizo

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