You would think it is only old and tattered books but you be amazed at what is there. I really like the Company's Coming series. There are a lot of baking recipes in there so I can't wait to try them out. I am hoping when I go again tomorrow I will find her slow cooker recipe book.
We have a pretty big aquarium already but we are hoping to plant real plants later on and these should come in handy.
Lois Hole and her books makes any enthusiastic novice gardener believe he/she can grow the next Canadian Tulip Festival in the backyard. I have to admit I was one 2 years ago. I have nothing to show for it but I still get a gold star for my
I do have to warn possible treasure hunters that the sale in on the 3rd level of the underground parkade. It is dark and dingy and frankly I find it really strange to have a book sale in a parkade.
For you that are really good at treasure hunting, bring a cart or something to pull your finds. When we were crossing the street, there was this lady hauling this box of books. It was kind of funny to watch her race across the street then resting the box on the bike stand and hopefully make it back to her car. She was so cute with her "I got a great deal" smile on her face.
Mme. Chorizo