Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Speedy Gonzales

Now remember the second "stacking coins" baby quilt I finished awhile ago? That was originally for my co-worker when she went off work to care for her new addition. She left too quickly so I was not able to finish it before I could give it to her. At least that is the story I tell others and I am sticking to it.

This weekend ended up being the perfect weekend to start a new quilt as she is coming back next week. I basically had a week to start and finish it. Old man winter was going to dump 30 centimetres of the white stuff and the plows were not going to be able to shovel the snow for the next 2 days. So bunker down and sew, sew sew! I used a fabric jelly roll that had 40 strips of different fabric. All I needed to do before the weekend was buy backing fabric, batting and matching binding. DONE!

Pretty Eh?

Cut, sew, iron and repeat. Cut sew, iron and repeat.

Assemble some, cut some, sew some, iron and repeat.

Stay tune for day 4 and 5.

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